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Writer's pictureSally-Ann Semple

It Literally "Started with an Itch"

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

So, it all began in the summer, around June 2022.

I love my gardening, and also growing my own fruit & veg, so I was a fair bit bemused when literally I couldnt even keep my mind occupied on that!

Instead I was walking around with the most persistant itch around my perineum - yep, that lovely bit of skin between your anus & vulva aka "Biffins Bridge" lol, that always makes me laugh. (Sorry) - So this itch was the most annoying persistent itch I've ever known!

Me, being the way I am, thought "I know, I'll get some of that lovely jubbly Feminine Itch Cream aka Vagisil from the supermarket. The relief was instant! Hey Ho! I'm fine, or so I thought.....

Not even an hour later that dreaded flipping itch was back!

I showered, changed my clothes, and all was ok for the rest of the day! Phew I thought....Nope, as soon as I went to bed, bang, the itch came back with a vengeance.

Every night from then onwards, whenever I got into bed all snuggly & warm, just getting comfy it would start again! That annoying itch! The nights it kept me awake were dreadful. I was getting about 3hrs sleep if I was lucky.

Now, I will add, I have very sensitive skin & can only use stuff thats hypoallergenic, so I wondered if maybe I had used something different that was making me itch down there.

I changed my washing detergent to Fairy which is baby friendly, I only used Sanex Hypoallergenic shower gel & bath washes, which don't get me wrong did ease the itch along with the Vagisil but it just returned within an hour.

So, a few weeks passed, and it got to the stage where I actually couldn't even wear my knickers! FGS! I was having to go "commando" as it was just too itchy to wear any underwear.

Looking in the mirror, which I did everyday, I couldn't even see anything! No redness, nothing swollen, not a thing looked at all wrong. I was totally at a loss. I resorted to taking antihistamines everyday and at night before I went to bed along with smothering myself in Vagisil after my shower. This did help a little, but usually by 3am *BOOM* the itching would wake me and I'd be back to square one.

I went through a mad idea thinking it may be a hormonal thing, as I was 45yrs old and of that dreaded age where things start "changing" so even bought some Menopace Supplements which replace lost hormones and give you vitamins back you may lose during the menopause. They didn't work either!

This was now getting way beyond anything I could control.

After a whole day and evening of this crazy "itch" I thought I was either going mad, or it was going to send me mad. So in a state of sheer frustration I made a call to my GP surgery.

Thankfully, my GP called me back and asked me to immediately attend the surgery, which of course I did....

Well, thats where it all began! My GP examined me, and immediately put me down for a referral to a Gynaecologist as the itch had flared up so much I had actual open ulcers and was in incredible discomfort. She prescribed me some cream for "Thrush" to be getting on with whilst I waited for the referral & took swabs for everything in this world you can even think of....

Watch out for the next post!

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