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Writer's pictureSally-Ann Semple

Oh my god!!

Well, the operation went well. Gynea as previously stated took the decision to take the perineum and the skinning procedure on the sides at the same time. I was fine with that because as far as I was concerned it removed all that horrible itching. Gynae was terribly worried that he had to take so much, but he decided to remove it all and for that I was grateful. I was all good after about an hour in surgery. And totally happy about what had been done. My gynea fella came to see me after and explained that he stitched me up horizontal as the area was so so big like a “butterfly” so he decided to sew me up horizontally to keep my Mary as normal as possible. He did that so as not to make my vagina entrance impossibly small and therefore unable to have sex in future, and I’m thankful for that for future sex.

The Pain...WOW.

After getting home, I was really happy. Home the same day was just brill. Everything was good, pain was minimal and I didn't itch. Happy bunny was I.

I was given the best cuppa I have ever had in my life (after 12hrs it could've tasted like poo) and some fresh toast, which was actually freshly made with my fave MARMITE yum yum. The nurses were all absolutely wonderful.

After my bloods were checked, and temp taken, an hour had passed. My wound was checked, and I was told to ring my hubby as I was allowed to go home. Yipeeee.


So I'm home, operation done, I'm weirdly tired, which I'm putting down to the worry and stress of everything. It wasn't until the next day when the pain kicked in.

I never thought for one minute that just going for a wee would be so horrifically painful. Well, it totally was more than painful. I really can't actually put in to words how bad it was. I took all the pain meds I was advised too, paracetamol and ibuprofen but it didn't even take the edge off.

Now, please don't get me wrong here, I was fully aware that if I'd not had this operation done then I could be looking at worse, but for the life of me I couldn't at this stage see what could be worse.

As every day passed, I found new ways to pee! And what worked one day, didn't the next arrgghhh. The pain was completely undrescribable. I really can't even put it into any words.

After about a week, I decided to have a look at my poor Mary. OMG - I will save you the images but Christ almighty it was so so bad. I was washing just by squatting and using a cool shower spray. I really felt very sorry for myself.

Two weeks later, things started easing and the stitches were starting to dissolve. The pain was still just as bad, but I lived in the hope I wouldn't walk like a weird frog forever.

Three weeks on, the pain had started easing, and I dared to look again... wow...the whole of the insides of my Vulval skinning had healed so much so I couldn't even tell it had been done. My perineum was still very sore though, and I was still getting occasional bleeds from it, which I was told would be normal.

Four weeks on, my perineum had healed mostly, I just had one part on the left side that was causing me some grief, but my next Gynae appointment was coming up so I noted to myself to ask about it.

23rd November 2022

Gynae checkup... so I dragged my mom along with me in case of diagnosing me for my final results ...I was so worried.

Well that was fun. Took us ages to get in to the hospital as they had massive floods, so we had to find another way in to the hospital. We found a way in withought swimming though and I was really worried. Mom kept me chilled out though and I finally got called through.

Unfortunately, gynea didn't have my final results but he examined me and decided I needed a massive dose of two different antibiotics to aid the last part of my healing. Cephalexin & Metronidazole.

He was really happy how much I'd healed up, but he wanted to make sure the last bit of my perineum would heal properly so prescribed me the two kinds of antibiotics. I had very very strict instructions that I was NOT allowed to drink any kind of alcohol whilst taking them and not for a week after else I'd be seriously ill.

That was fine by me as I'd not drank alcohol since this whole thing started.

I was a bit gutted that he hadn't heard back from the lab about what it actually was though, but there was nothing I could do.

Mom and I got lost on our way back out the hospital due to the floods which was funny 😂

16th December 2022

Here I am back at my next appointment with my Gynae. This time I drove myself. Hubby was coming but couldn't, and it was last minute to disturb my mom so I decided to go alone.

So I'm sat in the waiting room nervous as hell. Then I got called though to the second area to wait. I was only in there literally like 2 minutes and the nurse called me through to see my Gynae.... I haven't bitten my nails since I was a kid, and if I still did, I swear I'd have none left!

My name was called within 2 minutes no joke...this to me didn't bode well.

I sat in that chair opposite my Gynae as he said the words .....

"Sally-Ann, you have extensive CIN Stage 3, and early high grade well differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma Vulval Cancer.

The VIN3 was quite extensive which has extended to the lateral margins, but there are no clear margins. You will need to see Colposcopy to check the internal walls of your vagina. I'm very sorry Sally-Ann, you have Vulval cancer."

And my happy little world fell apart....

More to follow. Don't forget ladies. Know your normal. Check check check.

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