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Writer's pictureSally-Ann Semple

Oncology & Chemo Cream

Hey all.

As you know from my last blog post, I have been waiting for my new Oncology Colposcopy Appointment to come through. Due to the strikes the one I should have had was cancelled.

I've no news on that really at the moment, other than my GP has sent an email to give them a nudge and it looks as though it will be done towards the end of May.

Following on from the new "itch" - After visiting my GP for an examination, she asked me to continue to use my Dermovate cream, as I have now finished my "Chemo" cream cycle until my appointment for Oncology comes through. Thankfully I won't need to use that again for the time being.

The chemo cream is called "fluorouracil" or most commonly known as Efudix. It is specifically used for local treatment of skin cancer including Squamous Cell Carcinmoa which is mine. I had to apply it once per day for 10 days.

At first all was fine and all I felt was a warm tingling sensation, which was fine by me. After about the 6th day, all I have to say is OMG!! All of a sudden it started burning and left me

very very sore! I was warned this would happen as it needs to remove cancerous skin cells for new skin to then come through.

As I had no clear margins, this was the route that I was required to take, whilst waiting to see the Oncology Colposcopy Team.

As I said, it randomly starts really burning and hurting with stinging, which on me was very sudden after day 6 of treatment. I really hope I am never asked to use it again because its horrible.

So, after 10 days of the chemo cream, and very gingerly trying to do anything, things started to improve as I healed up again. New skin started coming through and the burning pain subsided somewhat.

It took about a week for the chemo cream symptoms to start to subside - but when it did, to my huge relief, the random "new itch" had also eased off and is now manageable again with just my steroid Dermovate cream. For now all seems to have calmed down and I am just using the Dermovate steroid cream alongside a strong antihistamine to keep any itches at bay. It seems strange taking an antihistamine for Vulval Cancer itching, but at least my hayfever is also kept at bay! Two birds one stone as they say!

I have been doing lots of things to try and keep myself comfortable during this very strange scary time with Vulva Cancer that decided to encroach on my life. I have changed so many things too. I only use Santex Hypoallergenic shower gel now, and never use normal loo roll. I only use the Andrex Hypoallergenic Pure Care Washlets after each loo visit and have found this helps loads. I also kept my Peri bottle in case I need it again in the future - good job I did with that chemo cream ugh! It doesn't really matter what material my underwear is made of - that makes no difference whatsoever.

I am trying my absolute best to not let this thing take over my life anymore than it needs too, but some days are so frustrating when I can't do anything to ease it.

I will say, after my WLE (Wide Local Incision) and Skinning surgery procedures, I have fully healed up and now it looks like nothing has even been done to me. My gynae is an amazing surgeon considering what he was faced with, and I can't thank him enough for leaving my lady bits looking remarkably as close to normal as he could.

On a brighter note; I have been able to return to my garden and have loads of new fruit and veg I am growing this season, and can do so without being side tracked by the most debilitating itch and pain that I had.

I will keep all you lovely subscribers and followers who are supporting me and following me on my journey informed as soon as I hear about my new appointment with the Oncolgy Colposcopy Team.

Onwards and upwards, and I'll keep smiling.

Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog and remember:


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