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Writer's pictureSally-Ann Semple

The First Gynae Appointment

Here we are, in September and my first appointment with the Gynae.

On my first appointment I had to go over to Queens Hospital, Burton, which is a bit of a mare for parking at the best of times, but after being told in no uncertain terms by my GP, as I’m now on the cancer pathway, I must make sure I attend every Gynae appointment I physically can. This one, I dragged my mum and sister along for moral support.

After we finally managed to park, and trekked all round the hospital maze we finally found where I needed to be in plenty of time for my first appointment.

Obviously, I was incredibly nervous and a bit worried, but as I always think, there’s no point worrying over something until your actually told there’s something to really be worrying about. You’d just send yourself bonkers, so I don’t really stress about things too much if I can help it, but with this, I will admit I was concerned. I mean, I’ve never had my lady bits under a spotlight so much in my life!

So, I met the very thorough and lovely gentleman who was to be my new gynaecologist from here on in, and his team of nurses, who were all so kind and reassuring. After a detailed conversation with my Gynae, and discussing in detail the random appearing itch that wouldn’t go away, he explained a few things it may be. He went into the issue of LS (lichen sclerosis), which he seemed a bit unsure it may actually be. After the discussion, he explained that he would examine me, and what this would entail, as I’d never needed to see a gynaecologist before in my life, his nursing team then took me through to another room, where I was to remove the bottom half of my clothing and wear a surgical gown - yep those fab things with a split right up the back so your arse is literally hanging out lol. Fab bits of material really haha. I was then taken through to what I can only describe as like a mini operating theatre type area. Now, I’m starting to wonder what on earth is going to happen.

My Gynae reappeared, and explained to me that if he feels he needs too, he will take a biopsy there and then of the offending area, my perineum 😮. I was then being directed to lay on the bed and plonk my legs in stirrups, I suddenly had a complete stranger (Gynae) putting the overhead spot lights right on my lady bits as he sat on a stool between my legs! Oh my days!

At first I felt a little self conscious, simply because I had never been through anything like this before, that feeling didn’t last long at all. It was quite clear that my Gynae was an incredibly reassuring and careful man, and his nursing team were just amazing. Reassuring me and giving me a blanket to cover the areas that the Gynae didn’t need to look at. By this time after only a few minutes, they had made me feel so comfortable that it didn’t actually bother me anymore, and I was just so pleased that this crazy itch was going to get sorted out.

Due to the myriad of creams, instilligel and such that my GP had given me, my Gynae explained that although he could see a now smaller area that looked irritated, he explained to me that he didn’t feel an immediate biopsy was needed, as I seemed to be responding to the cream the GP had given me.

After dressing and going back into my gynaes office, he drew me a little diagram and explained that what he had seen seemed to be a small area of possibly eczema of the genitalia in particular my perineum which causes itchy and red skin. As everything had calmed down so dramatically since my GP had seen me, he explained he couldn’t see anything else. He decided to prescribe me a stronger steroid cream, Dermovate, to use 3 times per day for the next 4 weeks, when he will see me again to reassess the condition. Obviously, the relief I felt was overwhelming. Just the fact it may be something so simple.…or not….

After trotting off out of that hospital with maybe a light at the end of this crazy itching saga, I couldn’t wait to get started on the new cream. I immediately started it that very same evening.

NOOOOO! At first the Dermovate cream was really working so well. I had about 4 days of very little itching. It was still there but not as bad. I resorted back to the instilligel and used the Dermovate alongside this. Hey ho…the flare up began again. I knew I had another 2 weeks yet to go before I saw my Gynae again so I just had to grin & bear it. I still couldn’t wear any underwear, but as I don’t really venture out much this didn’t bother me, after all, who would know I wasn’t wearing any knickers lol 😆

After the 4 weeks, I was well and truly ready to see my gynaecologist again, and the appointment soon rolled round. This time I was back at Burton Queens, and not a happy bunny.

Appointment No.2 - Burton Queens Hospital

After waiting for my appointment, I had to visit the manic Burton Queens again.

I discussed with the gynae that the Dermovate cream had only worked for a few days, but the itching had returned. Here we go again!....

This time I was getting used to my lady bits being under the spotlight. And this time he took a biopsy from my perineum....holy poo! That stung like hell! The local aneasthetic stings like a b****. And oh boy did I bleed! Considering the tiny biopsy my gynae had took (about the size of a pen nib) I bled like crazy, but yet again, the lovely team of nurses were at my rescue. They explained this was normal, as that area is full of nerve endings, and cleaned me up without even flinching. They also supplied me with a sanitary towel (they feel like nappies to me - awful things), and my gynae explained he had popped a stitch in, that would dissolve by itself over 7 days. When I stood up, the bed looked like someone had been murdered there was so much blood! The gynae actually showed me the tiny biopsy he had taken - how can one be alive after losing all that blood from something so small!

So off home I went, sanitary towel attached, to await my next appointment once the biopsy results were back.

Thanks again for following and don't forget to installment available soon.

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